Uploading photos or documents

All documents need to be Jpeg or PNG.  The best way to do this is to take a photograph of your documents on your smart device and upload them via the app.

We have a dedicated article on Passports and Visa's for more information. 

Avatar or profile picture

1. Go to Profile > Account details 

2. Select Your Details > Change Avatar

Here you can upload a gorgeous picture of yourself from your device!

3. Don't forget to SAVE!

Certificates and driving licenses

Some companies need proof of various skills such as driving licenses, or food safety certificates etc.  In order to select these you must provide evidence.  Again take a picture of your certificate on  your device and upload it via the app.

1. Go to PROFILE > Company Details > scroll to SKILLS 

2. Select the skill you wish to add from the list

3. Upload Evidence

4. Don't forget to SAVE