Your Profile is made up of two parts. Firstly, the data required to manage your Liveforce account. Secondly, all the information required by each company that you are registered with.
Account details
The Account Details contains basic information used for your Liveforce account.
Company Details
Each company you work with will require details from you in order to be able to hire and pay you. Each company will require slightly different information. Please make sure you fill out all required fields.
Crew App Statuses
You will different statuses depending on where you are in the application and activation process. Here is a list of statues, what they mean and how they will look in your Liveforce App.
1. Complete
In ACCOUNT DETAILS when all the data is complete your status will be COMPLETE. If there are missing data fields the status will be INCOMPLETE
2. Active
When all the data fields are complete in company sections of your profile your status will be ACTIVE
3. Incomplete
If you haven't fully completed all the data fields in company sections or ACCOUNT DETAILS your status will be INCOMPLETE
4. Application
When you are in the process of applying to a company your status is APPLICATION until your profile and all data fields are complete
5. Invitation
When you have been invited to join a company your status will be INVITATION
6. Pending
When your application is in process your status is PENDING until you have been APPROVED or DECLINED by an agency
7. Waiting List
You have been added to the WAITING LIST for a job, this status will stay until you are notified otherwise.
8. Suspended
You have been suspended from an agency, Liveforce app has nothing to do with this decision and any questions need to be directed to the agency.
Related Articles
Check out these articles on how to Complete your Account Details and Company Details.