You can set when you are not available to work. This will let agencies know when you can’t accept work. These could be periods when you are on vacation or returning to your studies.
Navigate to the My Calendar page and under the UPCOMING tab, click the SET UNAVAILABILITY button.
By default, the All day unavailability option is set to NO along with the current date and time.
NO option
If you change the All day option to YES then you are making yourself unavailable all day.
YES option
To set a start and end date. Click into the date and pick the dates from the calendar that appears.
Setting the date
To set start and end times click into the time and select the times from the boxes that appear.
Setting the time
To save your unavailability. Click the ADD UNAVAILABLE button.
Saving unavailability
A confirmation notice appears and your unavailability is added to your My Calendar page.
Unavailability added
It is not possible to add your unavailability period if it clashes with jobs that you are already booked on or have applied to. A notice shall appear and your availability will not be added.Not possible to add notice
It is possible to use the search filter on the My Calendar page to view all your unavailable periods.
If you try to apply for a job when you are unavailable, a warning will appear and you will not be able to apply until you remove your unavailability.
Applying when unavailable
You can accept an invitation but will receive a warning that you have recently added an unavailability period during the date of the job.
Warning when invited
To remove an unavailable period, click the ‘X’ button from the unavailability card in your MY CALENDAR page.Removing unavailable dates