Step 2. Complete your Account Details

The Account Details contains basic information used for your Liveforce account.

1. Complete each field

Simply click into each field and provide the data required.

A red warning icon means that this field is incomplete and required data is missing:

The green tick means that this field is complete:

No tick means that this field is not compulsory:

2. Make sure all required data has been added

Required data are indicated with an asterisk * :

If a page won't appear to SAVE it's because one of the required fields has been missed. Most commonly it is the TITLE or AVATAR within the ACCOUNT DETAILS section:

HAVING TROUBLE SAVING THIS FORM? Check that you have added an AVATAR and selected a TITLE from the dropdown menu. If you're having trouble adding your address read this article.

3. Complete Account Details section

When all fields are complete Your Account Details will show as COMPLETED.

Next step

Step 3. Complete Company Details