Earnings explained

You can find an overview and details of your earnings within the Liveforce Crew App. Select the hamburger menu, then select EARNINGS from the list.

This will open an Estimated Earnings page which will look like this:

The most recent month will be first.  This first page shows you an overview of your ESTIMATED EARNINGS, as well as a more detailed look at each month. They are also separated by company, so if you are signed up to multiple companies you may have more than one earnings section per month.

It will tell you the total you have been estimated to be paid and the estimated balance outstanding. 

Important: Liveforce is the software used to manage staff, we do not run payroll. It is the responsibility of the companies to update the status of earnings - this is why the amounts can only be estimated. 

Different Status in Earnings

Depending on where your timesheet and expenses are in the system you will have a different status for each completed job.

UPCOMING - Jobs you haven't yet completed but are booked to work will be included in your estimated earnings for the month

PENDING APPROVAL - This means your timesheet or expenses haven't been approved by Admin yet. 

PENDING - You haven't yet submitted any expenses or made a NO CLAIM for them.  You have 30 days to submit expenses before you lose the ability to. 

APPROVED - Timesheet and expenses have been looked at and approved. 

NO CLAIM - You did not make a claim for expenses. 

PAID - Admin has marked you as PAID in the Liveforce platform. 


When will I be paid?

Companies pay at different times and not always to a calendar month, so this EARNINGS section is an overview using data from the Liveforce Crew App. Any questions about pay, salary or expenses must be directed to the company you worked for. 

I haven't been paid

You will need to speak directly to the company you worked with, we suggest contacting your Primary Contact

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