Job Details

The job details page provides more detailed information about the job.

Details tab

Primary Contact

This is the main contact (and how to contact them) at the company that hired you.
Please note. The PRIMARY CONTACT is very important as this is the person you will need to contact with any issues regarding the job including any questions relating to payments after the job is finished.

Fee Breakdown

Provides a detailed breakdown of your salary and holiday pay (if required) plus any subsistence and expense budgets (if any are set).


Provides information about that job including how many crew are required for that job and post-approval information (only visible to crew booked on the job).

Job Ad

There will also be a copy of the job ad which will contain more information about the job - if you have to wear a particular uniform for instance.


Displays a list of Crew that have been booked on this job. This is only visible if you have been booked on the job.

Job Cancellation

If the company you are booked to work with allows auto cancellations then a CANCEL JOB button will be visible at the top of the Details tab. Learn how to cancel a job.

Location tab

Displays the job location on a map with full address. Click the GET DIRECTIONS button to get travel instructions.

Tasks tab

This contains a list of tasks that need to be completed before and/or after the job. Depending on the Company's requirements there will be up to three tasks to complete:

1. Confirm attendance

You will receive a notification 18 hours before a job starts reminding you to confirm your attendance. Learn how to confirm your attendance.

2. Check-in

On the day of the job, 1 hour before the job start time and when you are within 500 metres of the job location you will be able to check-in through your mobile device. Learn how to check-in.

3. Submit Expenses

You have up to 30 days to submit your expenses after the job date. Learn how to make an expense claim.
Please note. Not all companies will expect you to complete all these Tasks. Contact each company to understand their own policies.

Incomplete Tasks

Incomplete tasks are shown with a red cross icon and Tasks page will have an INCOMPLETE status.

Completed Tasks

When all tasks are completed the status will be COMPLETE and all tasks will have a green tick.

Timesheet tab

This whee you review and submit your timesheet once the job has finished. Learn more about submitting a timesheet.

Expenses tab

From this tab, you can create and submit an expense claim. Expenses can be added before a job start date, but we'd recommend you only submit them after the job has finished. Learn how to submit an expense claim

Please note. Always check with each company's expense allowance and process as they may differ.